Between November 2019 and October 2020, at least 14 innovative therapies by 9 HK-listed biotech and biopharma companies have been granted one or multiple designations by FDA
Stock code
Stock Name
Related Designation
Innovent Bio
Orphan drug designation
Junshi Bio
Breakthrough treatment
CStone Pharma-B
Breakthrough treatment designation, orphan drug designation
Fast track designation, orphan drug designation
Accelerated approval designation
Chinares Pharma
Orphan drug designation
Orphan drug designation
Fast track designation
HBM Holdings-B
Orphan drug designation
Source: Press Release; FDA; Company Website; McKinsey analysis, November 2020
In 2020 *, China biotech companies has more than 20 out-licensing deals including the following HK-listed companies
Stock Code
Stock Name
Stock Code
Stock Name
Innovent Bio
Hansoh Pharma
Luye Pharma
Junshi Bio
Hua Medicine-B
*As of 20 October 2020
Multinational companies opening technology platform to China innovators
Example: Innovent Bio (1801.HK)
Strategic partnership with equity investment
Example: CStone Pharma-B (2616.HK)
Stock Code
Stock Name
Venus Medtech-B
Effective date: 28 December 2020; Source: Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as of 25 December 2020


投資涉及風險,包括可能損失本金。投資新興市場涉及其他風險,例如較高的市場波幅及較低的交易成交量,因此可能需要承受比投資成熟市場更易受損失的風險。請於投資前仔細考慮基金的投資目標、風險因素, 以及費用和支出。這些和其他數據記載於有關基金章程內,請於投資前仔細閱覽基金章程。華夏基金並非由指數供應商(只適用於ETF和指數基金)營辦、贊許、發行、銷售或推廣。有關指數供應商的詳情(包括任何免責聲明),請參閱相關華夏基金的發售文件。



滬深300指數("指數")的所有權利歸屬於中證指數有限公司("中證")。"CSI 300®"是中證的註冊商標。中證對於指數相關資料的準確性和完整性不作任何明示或暗示的擔保。中證不因指數的任何錯誤對任何人承擔責任(無論是否存在過失),亦無責任就指數的任何錯誤告知任何人。中證對於跟蹤指數的基金不作任何擔保、背書、銷售或推廣,中證不承擔與此相關的任何責任。





NASDAQ 100指數

產品並非由The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.或其聯屬人士(The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.連同其聯屬人士稱為「NASDAQ OMX」)贊助、認可、銷售或推廣。NASDAQ OMX並無審核產品是否合法或適合,或有關產品的說明及披露資料是否準確或充足。NASDAQ OMX並無就整體投資於證券或特別投資於產品是否可取,或NASDAQ 100指數(「指數」)是否能夠跟蹤整體股票市場表現而向產品股份的擁有人或任何公眾人士作出任何明示或默示的聲明或保證。NASDAQ OMX與產品及華夏基金的唯一關係為許可NASDAQ OMX的若干商標及商號以及由NASDAQ OMX在並無計及華夏基金或產品情況下釐定、編製及計算的指數。NASDAQ OMX在釐定、編製或計算指數時並無義務考慮華夏基金或其聯屬人士或產品股份擁有人的需要。NASDAQ OMX不負責亦未參與釐定產品股份的價格及數額,或發行或出售有關股份的時間,或釐定或計算產品股份轉換為現金的等式。NASDAQ OMX並無有關產品管理、營銷或買賣的義務或責任。

NASDAQ OMX不保證指數或當中所包含任何數據的準確性及╱或計算不受干擾。NASDAQ OMX不對信託代表產品作為被許可人、被許可人的客戶及對手方、產品股份擁有人或任何其他人士或實體因就本文件所述獲許可權利或任何其他用途使用標的指數或當中所包含任何數據取得的結果作出任何明示或默示的保證。NASDAQ OMX不對指數或當中所包含任何數據就特定目的或用途而言的適銷性或適當性作出任何明示或默示的保證並特此明確表示不承擔任何責任。在不影響前述任何一項的情況下,NASDAQ OMX在任何情況下概不對任何直接、間接、特別、懲罰性、間接或任何其他損害(包括利潤損失)承擔任何責任(即使獲通知可能發生有關損害)。彭博巴克萊指數免責聲明彭博®是彭博財經有限合夥企業及其關聯方(統稱"彭博")的商標和服務標記。巴克萊是巴克萊銀行(及其關聯方,統稱"巴克萊")的商標和服務標記,須授權許可方能使用。彭博或彭博的許可人,包括巴克萊,擁有彭博巴克萊指數的所有專屬權利。彭博和巴克萊均非華夏基金(香港)有限公司的關聯方,也沒有批准、背書、評論或推薦華夏彭博巴克萊中國國債+政策性銀行債券指數ETF。彭博和巴克萊不保證任何與彭博巴克萊中國國債及政策性銀行債券指數有關的數據或信息的時效性、準確性或完整性,也不對華夏基金(香港)有限公司、華夏彭博巴克萊中國國債+政策性銀行債券指數ETF的投資者或其它第三方使用彭博巴克萊中國國債+政策性銀行指數或其包含的任何數據或其準確性承擔任何責任。


恒生指數,恒生港股通小型股指數及恒生科技指數("該指數")由恒生資訊服務有限公司全權擁有,並已授權恒生指數有限公司發佈及編制。恒生指數有限公司及恒生資訊服務有限公司已同意華夏基金(香港)有限公司可就華夏Direxion恒生指數每日槓桿(2x)產品、華夏Direxion恒生指數每日反向(-1x)產品、華夏恒生科技指數ETF及 華夏恒生港股通小型股指數ETF ("該產品")使用及參考該指數,但是,恒生指數有限公司及恒生資訊服務有限公司並不就該指數及其計算或任何與之有關的數據的準確性或完整性,而向任何人士作出保證或聲明或擔保,也不會就該指數提供或默示任何保證、聲明或擔保。恒生指數有限公司及恒生資訊服務有限公司不會因華夏基金(香港)有限公司就該產品使用及/或參考該指數,或恒生指數有限公司在計算該指數時的任何失準、遺漏、失誤或錯誤導致任何人士因上述原因而直接或間接蒙受的任何經濟或其他損失承擔任何責任或債務。任何就該產品進行交易的人士不應依賴恒生指數有限公司及恒生資訊服務有限公司,亦不應以任何形式向恒生指數有限公司及/或恒生資訊服務有限公司進行索償或法律訴訟。為免疑慮,本免責聲明不構成任何經紀或就該產品進行交易的其他人士與恒生指數有限公司及/或恒生資訊服務有限公司之間的任何合約或準合約關係,也不應視作已構成這種關係。






華夏(香港)已盡其所知使本網站所載資料在發佈之時準確 ;但華夏(香港)並不保證有關資料的準確性及完備性。華夏(香港),其聯營公司,董事,高級職員及僱員對此網站所提供的資料的任何相關錯誤或遺漏並不負責。華夏(香港)亦對於因使用此網站內容而引致或引發的任何損失或代價不承擔責任。


Product Risk Warning:

Investment involves risks, including the loss of principle. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing in below products, investor should refer to the Fund's prospectus for details, including the risk factors. You should not make investment decision based on the information on this material alone. Please note:

Important Information about ChinaAMC Hang Seng Hong Kong Biotech Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index (the "Index").
  • The Fund is passively managed and the Manager will not have the discretion to adapt to market changes. Falls in the Index are expected to result in corresponding falls in the value of the Fund.
  • The Fund’s investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors.
  • The Index is a new index. The Fund may be riskier than those tracking more established indices with longer operating history.
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risks in biotech companies and in a particular geographical region (i.e., Hong Kong and mainland China). The Fund may be more volatile than a broadly-based fund.
  • The Fund is exposed to risks associated with characters of biotech companies, such as pre-revenue, incurrence of net current liabilities, lower liquidity, higher volatility, dependency on intellectual property rights or patents, technological changes, increased regulations and intense competition.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risk.
  • If any suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units and/or any limitation on the level of services by brokers and CCASS participants occurs, unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter. The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly.
  • Unitholders will receive distributions in the HKD only. In the event that a unitholder has no HKD account, the unitholder may have to bear bank or financial institution fees and charges associated with currency conversion.
  • The Fund's base currency is HKD but has units traded in USD. Investors may be subject to additional costs or losses associated with foreign currency fluctuations.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's NAV.

Important Information about ChinaAMC Hang Seng TECH Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the Hang Seng TECH Index (the "Index").
  • The Fund is passively managed and the Manager will not have the discretion to adapt to market changes. Falls in the Index are expected to result in corresponding falls in the value of the Fund.
  • The Fund's investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors.
  • The Index is a new index. The Fund may be riskier than those tracking more established indices with longer operating history.
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risks in companies with technology theme and in a single geographical region (i.e., Greater China). The Fund may be more volatile than a broadly-based fund.
  • Companies in the technology sector are characterised by relatively higher volatility in price performance when compared to other sectors.
  • The Fund may be exposed to risks associated with different technology sectors and themes. A downturn in the business for companies in these sectors or themes may have adverse effects on the Fund.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risk, which may result from the investment strategy used, and fees and expenses.
  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units and/or any limitation on the level of services by brokers and CCASS participants, Unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter, which may inhibit or delay an investor dealing. The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's NAV.

Important Information about ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the CSI 300 Index (the "Index"). The Fund invests in the PRC's securities market through the RQFII investment quota granted to the Manager and the Stock Connect.
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (the PRC) and may likely be more volatile than a broad-based fund.
  • The Fund is subject to risks relating to the RQFII regime, such as default in execution or settlement of transaction by a PRC broker or the PRC Custodian, change of RQFII policy and rules and uncertainty to their implementation, repatriation restrictions and insufficient RQFII quota to the Fund.
  • The Fund is subject to risks associated with the Stock Connect, such as change of relevant rules and regulations, quota limitations, suspension of the Stock Connect programme. In the event that the Fund’s ability to invest in A-Shares through the Stock Connect on a timely basis is adversely affected, the Manager can only rely on RQFII investments to achieve the Fund’s investment objective.
  • Investing in emerging markets, such as the PRC, involves a greater risk such as greater political, tax, economic, foreign exchange, liquidity and regulatory risks.
  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units between the HKD counter and the RMB counter, the unitholders will only be able to trade their units in the relevant counter on the SEHK. The market price on the SEHK of units traded in HKD and of units traded in RMB may deviate significantly due to different factors, such as market liquidity, supply and demand in each counter and the exchange rate between the RMB and HKD (in both the onshore and the offshore markets). As such investors may pay more or receive less when buying units traded in HKD on the SEHK than in respect of units traded in RMB and vice versa. Investors without RMB accounts may buy and sell HKD traded units only. Such investors should note that distributions are made in RMB only and they may suffer a foreign exchange loss and incur foreign exchange associated fees and charges to receive their dividend. Not all brokers and CCASS participants may be familiar with and able to buy units in one counter and to sell units in the other or to carry out inter-counter transfers of units or to trade both counters at the same time. This may inhibit or delay an investor dealing in both HKD traded units and RMB traded units and may mean the investor can only trade in one currency.
  • As the SSE and the SZSE may be open when units in the Fund are not priced, the value of the securities in Fund’s portfolio may change on days when investors will not be able to purchase or sell the Fund’s units. Differences in trading hours between the SSE and the SZSE, and the SEHK and A-Shares’ trading bands may increase the level of premium/discount of the unit price to its NAV.
  • The Fund is denominated in RMB. RMB is currently not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. A non-RMB based investors in units are exposed to foreign exchange risk. There is no guarantee that the value of RMB against the investors' base currencies (for example HKD) will not depreciate.
  • The Fund is not "actively managed" and therefore, when there is a decline in the Index, the Fund will also decrease in value. The Manager will not take defensive position in declining markets. Investors may lose a significant part or all of their respective investments if the Index falls.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's NAV.

Important Information about ChinaAMC NASDAQ 100 ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the NASDAQ-100 Index. The Fund concentrates its investment in securities listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market and is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of markets in a single country (the US) and securities listed on a single exchange (the NASDAQ Stock Market). It is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund as it is more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in the US. The value of securities in the Fund’s portfolio may change on days when investors will not be able to purchase or sell units of the Fund as the NASDAQ Stock Market will be open when units of the Fund are not priced.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.
  • The Fund's Base Currency is in HKD but has units traded in USD (in addition to HKD). Investors may be subject to additional costs or losses associated with foreign currency fluctuations between the Base Currency and the USD trading currency when trading units in the secondary market.
  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units between the counters and/or any limitation on the level of services provided by brokers and CCASS participants, unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter, which may inhibit or delay an investor dealing.
  • The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly due to different factors such as market liquidity, market supply and demand in each counter and the exchange rate fluctuations between HKD and USD.

Important Information about ChinaAMC Asia High Dividend ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the NASDAQ Asia ex Japan Dividend Achievers TM Index.
  • The Fund primarily invests in high dividend yield securities in Asia. Such securities are subject to risks that the dividend could be reduced or abolished, or risks that the value of the securities could decline or have lower-than average potential for price appreciation.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.

Important Information about ChinaAMC MSCI Japan Hedged to USD ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the MSCI Japan 100% Hedged to USD Index.
  • The Fund concentrates its investment in Japanese securities and is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single country (Japan). It is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund as it is more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in Japan.
  • The Fund invests in currency forward contracts for hedging purposes. While this approach is designed to minimise the impact of currency fluctuations on the Fund’s returns, there are associated risks involved including costs of hedging, derivative and OTC transactions risks.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses, cost of hedging and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.

Important Information about ChinaAMC MSCI Europe Quality Hedged to USD ETF

  • The fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the MSCI Europe Quality 100% Hedged to USD Index.
  • The Fund concentrates its investment in European securities and is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (Europe). It is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund as it is more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in Europe.
  • The Fund invests in currency forward contracts for hedging purposes. While this approach is designed to minimise the impact of currency fluctuations on the Fund’s returns, there are associated risks involved including costs of hedging, derivative and OTC transactions risks.
  • The value of securities in the Fund’s portfolio may change on days when investors will not be able to purchase or sell units of the Fund as European stock exchanges will be open when units of the Fund are not priced.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses, cost of hedging and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.

Important Information about ChinaAMC Hong Kong Banks ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the NASDAQ Hong Kong Banks TM Index. The Fund primarily invests in securities that are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and classified as Banks by the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB).
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (Hong Kong) and sector (banking). It is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund as it is more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in Hong Kong and the banking sector. Stock prices of financial service companies are also more sensitive to the movement of interest rates.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.

Important Information about ChinaAMC MSCI Asia Pacific Real Estate ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Real Estate Index.
  • The Fund primarily invests in securities in the real estate sector in the Asia Pacific region, including real estate investment trusts (REITs). The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (Asia) and industry (real estate sector). It is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund as it is more susceptible to fluctuations in value resulting from adverse conditions in Asia and the real estate sector. There are risks associated with the real estate sector and REITs in particular.
  • Investing in emerging markets involves a greater risk of loss than investing in more developed markets due to, among other factors, greater political, tax, economic, foreign exchange, liquidity and regulatory risks.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses and the representative sampling strategy that may be adopted by the Manager.

Important Information about ChinaAMC MSCI China A Inclusion Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the MSCI China A Inclusion Index (the "Index"). The Fund invests in the PRC's securities market primarily through Stock Connect.
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (the PRC) and may likely be more volatile than a broad-based fund.
  • Investing in PRC, an emerging market, involves a greater risk such as greater political, tax, economic, currency, liquidity, regulatory, legal, settlement and custody risks.
  • The Fund is subject to risks associated with the Stock Connect Programme, such as change of laws, rules and regulations, quota limitations and suspension of the Programme.
  • The Fund is subject to risks associated with the RQFII regime, such as change of laws, rules and regulations, insufficient RQFII quota, RQFII approval is revoked or terminated, or any of the key operators or parties is bankrupt or in default or disqualified.
  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units between the HKD and RMB counters and/or any limitation of services of brokers and CCASS participants, unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter only. The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly. As such, investors may pay more or receive less when trading in HKD counter than in RMB counter and vice versa.
  • Unitholders will receive distributions in the RMB only. In the event that an unitholder has no RMB account, the unitholder may have to bear the bank or financial institution fees and charges associated with currency conversion.
  • As the stock exchanges in PRC may be open when units in the Fund are not priced, the value of the securities in the Fund's portfolio may change on days when investors will not be able to transact the Fund's Units.
  • Differences in trading hours between the SSE or the SZSE and the SEHK. A-Shares are subject to trading bands while units listed on the SEHK are not. Both factors may increase the level of premium or discount of the unit price to its NAV.
  • The Fund is not "actively managed" and therefore, when there is a decline in the Index, the Fund will also decrease in value. The Manager will not take defensive position in declining markets. Investors may lose a significant part or all of their respective investments if the Index falls.
  • The Index is a new index having only been launched on 23 October 2017. Given that the Index is relatively new, the Fund may be riskier than other ETF tracking more established indices.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's NAV.

Important information about ChinaAMC Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index (the “Index”).
  • The underlying index of the Fund was changed to the present Index effective from 3 March 2017. During the rebalancing period from the previous index to the index, there is a risk that the tracking error and tracking difference of the Fund may increase.
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region or country (the PRC including Hong Kong). The Fund may likely be more volatile than a broad-based fund.
  • The Fund invests in small cap securities. The stocks of small capitalisation companies may have lower liquidity and are typically more volatile and more vulnerable to adverse business or economic developments than those of larger capitalisation companies. Lower liquidity increases the risk that securities may be sold at a loss, and may impair the ability of the Fund to accurately track the Index.
  • Small capitalisation companies generally have less diverse product lines than large capitalisation companies and thus are more susceptible to adverse developments concerning their products, as well as the markets and sectors in which they operate. Small capitalisation companies may be less financially secure than larger and more established companies, and they are more vulnerable to loss of key personnel.
  • The Fund is not “actively managed” and therefore, when there is a decline in the Index, the Fund will also decrease in value. The Manager will not take defensive position in declining markets. Investors may lose a significant part or all of their respective investments if the Index falls.
  • Due to fees and expenses of the Fund, liquidity of the market and different investment strategies adopted by the Manager, the Fund’s return may deviate from that of the Index.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund’s NAV.

Important Information about ChinaAMC Asia USD Investment Grade Bond ETF

  • The fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays Asia USD Investment Grade Bond Index. The Fund primarily invests in fixed rate USD-denominated government-related and corporate investment grade bonds of the Asia ex-Japan region. Such investments involve special risks including interest rate risk, over-the-counter market risk, issuer risk, sovereign debt risk and illiquidity of bonds close to maturity risk.
  • Investing in emerging markets involves a greater risk of loss than investing in more developed markets due to, among other factors, greater political, tax, economic, foreign exchange, liquidity and regulatory risks.
  • The units of the Fund may trade at a substantial premium or discount to their NAV.
  • The Fund is subject to tracking error risks due to factors such as fees and expenses, the representative sampling strategy adopted by the Manager and the liquidity of the underlying bonds.
  • The Fund’s Base Currency is in HKD but has units traded in USD (in addition to HKD). Investors may be subject to additional costs or losses associated with foreign currency fluctuations between the Base Currency and the USD trading currency when trading units in the secondary market.
  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units between the counters and/or any limitation on the level of services provided by brokers and CCASS participants, unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter, which may inhibit or delay an investor dealing.
  • The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly due to different factors such as market liquidity, market supply and demand in each counter and the exchange rate fluctuations between HKD and USD.

Important Information about ChinaAMC Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Bond Index ETF

  • The Fund aims to provide investment result that, before fees and expenses, closely corresponds to the performance of the Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Index (the “Index”).
  • The Fund is subject to concentration risk as a result of tracking the performance of a single geographical region (the PRC) and investing in bonds of a few issuers. The NAV of the Fund is likely to be more volatile than a broad-based fund.
  • Investments in the PRC may involve increased risks compared to more developed markets, such as liquidity risks, currency risks/control, political and economic uncertainties, legal and taxation risks, settlement risks and custody risk.
  • The Fund is subject to risks associated with Bond Connect and Foreign Access Regime, such as change of relevant rules and regulations, regulatory risks, volatility risk, liquidity risk, settlement and counterparty risk. The trading on the PRC interbank bond market or trading through Bond Connect may be suspended.
  • The Fund is subject to risk associated with debt securities, such as credit / counterparty risk, interest rate risk, volatility and liquidity risk, downgrade risk, sovereign debt risk, valuation risk, credit rating risk and credit agency risk.
  • The Fund is subject to risks relating to settlement procedures and default of counterparties on the PRC inter-bank bond market.
  • The Fund is denominated in RMB. RMB is currently not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. The Fund has units traded in HKD and USD. Investors may be subject to additional costs or losses associated with foreign currency fluctuations.
  • The Fund may be subject to tracking error risk.
  • If any suspension of the inter-counter transfer of units between the counters and/or any limitation on the level of services by brokers and CCASS participants occurs, unitholders will only be able to trade their units in one counter only. The market price of units traded in each counter may deviate significantly.
  • The Fund is passively managed and the Manager will not have the discretion to adapt to market changes. Falls in the Index are expected to result in corresponding falls in the value of the Fund.
  • Generally, retail investors can only buy or sell units of the Fund on the SEHK. The trading price of the units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the units. Therefore, the units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's NAV.

Important Information about ChinaAMC NASDAQ-100 Index Daily (2x) Leveraged Product / ChinaAMC Nasdaq-100 Index Daily (-1x) Inverse Product / ChinaAMC Nasdaq-100 Index Daily (-2x) Inverse Product:

  • ChinaAMC NASDAQ-100 Index Daily (2x) Leveraged Product / ChinaAMC Nasdaq-100 Index Daily (-1x) Inverse Product/ChinaAMC Nasdaq-100 Index Daily (-2x) Inverse Product (collectively, “Products”) are futures-based leveraged/inverse products and are not suitable for all investors. The Products only target sophisticated trading-oriented investors who understand the potential consequences of seeking daily leveraged/inverse results and the associated risks and constantly monitor the performance of their holdings on a daily basis.
  • The Products invest directly in E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures (“Nasdaq-100 Futures”) which are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the “CME”). The Products aim to provide daily investment results, before fees and expenses, which closely correspond to leveraged (2x) / inverse (-1x) / inverse (-2x) of the daily performance of the Nadsaq-100 Index (the “Nasdaq-100 Index”).
  • The Products do not seek to achieve their stated investment objectives over a period of time greater than one day.
  • The Products are not intended for holding longer than one day as the performance of the Products over a longer period may deviate from and be uncorrelated to the leveraged/inverse performance of the Nasdaq-100 Index over the period (e.g. the loss may be more than 2 times the decrease in the Index/-1 time the increase in the Index /-2 times the increase in the Index). The Products are designed to be used for short term trading or hedging purposes, and are not intended for long term investment.
  • Investing in the leveraged product is subject to the general market risk of equity investment, its value will be fluctuated because of multiple factors, and both gains and losses will be magnified. Investing in the inverse products is different from taking a short position. Because of rebalancing, the return profile of an inverse product is not the same as that of a short position. Risk investment outcomes of the inverse products are the opposite of conventional investment funds. If the value of the Index increases for extended periods, the inverse product will likely lose most or all of their values.
  • The Products involve futures contracts risk, leveraged/inverse performance risk, risk of rebalancing activities, volatility risk, liquidity risk, intraday investment risk, portfolio turnover risk, concentration risk, US markets risk, Nasdaq-100 constituents risk, passive investment risk, reliance on the investment adviser risk, difference in price limit risk, trading time differences risk, trading risk, reliance on market maker risk, tracking error and correlation risk, termination risk, other currency distributions risk and currency risk.
  • The Products are traded on SEHK, and there are trading time differences between SEHK, CME (where the Futures are traded) and the NASDAQ (where constituents of the Index are traded). The premium/discount of the unit prices of the Products to their NAVs may increase, and there may be imperfect correlation between the value of the index constituents and the Nasdaq-100 Futures, which may adversely affect the Products from tracking the leveraged (2x)/inverse (-1x)/inverse (-2x) daily performance of the Nasdaq-100 Index.

Important Information about ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index Daily (2x) Leveraged Product/ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index Daily (-1x) Inverse Product (The product is a synthetic product):

  • ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index Daily (2x) Leveraged Product/ChinaAMC CSI 300 Index Daily (-1x) Inverse Product (collectively, “Products”) are swaps-based leveraged/inverse products and are not suitable for all investors. The Products only target sophisticated trading-oriented investors who understand the potential consequences of seeking daily leveraged / inverse results and the associated risks and constantly monitor the performance of their holdings on a daily basis.
  • The Products seeks to obtain the required exposure through swaps with different swap counterparties. The Products aim to provide daily investment results, before fees and expenses, which closely correspond to the leveraged (2x) / inverse (-1x) daily performance of the CSI 300 Index (the “Index”).
  • The Products do not seek to achieve their stated investment objectives over a period of time greater than one day.
  • The Products are not intended for holding longer than one day as the performance of the Products over a longer period may deviate from and be uncorrelated to the leveraged/inverse performance of the Index over the period (e.g. the loss may be more than 2 times the decrease in the Index/-1 time the increase in the Index). The Products are designed to be used for short term trading or hedging purposes, and are not intended for long term investment.
  • Investing in the leveraged product is subject to the general market risk of equity investment, its value will be fluctuated because of multiple factors, and both gains and losses will be magnified. Investing in the inverse products is different from taking a short position. Because of daily rebalancing, the return profile of an inverse product is not the same as that of a short position. Risk investment outcomes of the inverse products are the opposite of conventional investment funds. If the value of the Index increases for extended periods, the inverse products will likely lose most or all of their values.
  • The Products also involve synthetic replication and counterparty risk, settlement risk, default risk, market risk, price movements risk, intraday counterparty risk, risk of increase in swap fees and early termination of swaps, derivative instrument investment risk, leveraged/inverse performance risk, risk of rebalancing activities, liquidity risk, intraday investment risk, currency risk, concentration risk, PRC market risk, risk of investment in debt securities and other funds, PRC tax risk, passive investment risk, trading risk, reliance on market maker risk, tracking error and correlation risk, volatility risk and termination risk.
  • Swap counterparties of the Products may have daily capacity limits, when the limits are reached, the Products' ability to adjust the size of swaps for sufficient exposure to achieve their investment objectives may be adverse.

ChinaAMC Hang Seng Hong Kong Biotech Index ETF (3069.HK)

Hang Seng
Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index
Underlying Index
Listing Date
Management Fee p.a.
Minimum Investment (Approx.)
Trading Lot Size
Brochure Fund Details
*Source: Bloomberg, as of 10 March 2021
1Source: Bloomberg, scope including IPO stocks listed on HKEX mainboard with a market capitalisation of at least HK$ 2 billion, as of 8 February 2021
2Source: Bloomberg, as of 15 July 2021
3Source: Bloomberg, from 1 January 2010 to 15 July 2021
^Data is an estimation for reference only (based on the closing level of the underlying index, closing prices of its constituent stocks and their weighting on 15 July 2021)

Why Invest in China Biotech Industry?

China market catching up fast after the US

As the world's largest biotech and pharmaceutical market and fundraising centre, the benchmark index in the US has already risen significantly in the past 10 years. Meanwhile, China as the 2nd largest market is catching up fast and has big rooms for growth

Comparison between biotech index and broad-based index in the US
Source: Bloomberg, as of 15 July 2021; IQVIA, September 2020
Pharmas and biotechs R&D expense (as % of world's total)
Source: clinical, TigerMed Prospectus, Bloomberg, March 2020
China innovative drugs market (billion RMB)
No. of new drugs development in China
Source: Citibank, November 2019; Pharma projects, Credit Suisse, October 2020
Policy Support

Biotechnology has been identified as one of the key development areas according to the 14th Five-Year Plan and "Made in China 2025" development strategy

Lowering taxes on R&D biotechs
Expanding medical insurance coverage
Speeding up drug approvals
Drive in Demand

In 2018, biotech products accounted only for 5.7% of the total pharmaceutical market in China (vs 26.5% in the world). The aging population in China has also accelerated the demand in China's biotech industry.

Structural Growth

China's innovative drug market is expected to achieve 95% growth between 2019 and 2023 with 18% cumulative annual growth rate

Source: Citibank, November 2019; Pharma projects, Credit Suisse, October 2020

Why Choose HK?

Hong Kong has become Asia's largest and the world's second largest biotech fundraising centre^. Since the listing reforms by HKEX in 2018 encouraging biotech IPOs, Hong Kong has turned into the core IPO centre of China's biotech industry

China biotech companies and ecosystem players4 :
listing location comparison
Total market value of listed innovative China biotechs and ecosystem players on major stock exchanges
4Biotechs, Contract Research Organization (CRO) and Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) focusing on innovative drug development;For companies listed in multiple stock markets, market cap value from the primary listing/largest market cap is used
Source: Capital IQ, McKinsey analysis, time range from 2016 to 10 November 2020
^Source: HKEX, February 2021
Biotech IPOs in Hong Kong under Chapter 18A listing rules
Source: HKEx, June 2021; IQVIA, September 2020

High quality biotech companies in China have gathered in

HK for listing

  • Fast Track Designation
  • Breakthrough
    Treatment Designation
  • Accelerated
    Approval Designation
  • Orphan Drug
  • Fast Track Designation
  • Breakthrough
    Treatment Designation
  • Accelerated
    Approval Designation
  • Orphan Drug
Source: Press Release; FDA; Company Website; McKinsey analysis, November 2020
Business developments in
various areas
Source: GBI; company announcement; McKinsey analysis, November 2020

Improving liquidity

More biotech companies included
in Stock Connect

Effective date: 28 December 2020; Source: Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as of 25 December 2020

Why ETF?


Biotech involves specialized knowledge and high information barrier. Investing in ETF avoids the difficulty of stock-picking


The results of biotech R&D are hard to predict. Investing in ETF allows diversification of single company's business risk


The objective checking and periodic screening of an index enables a timely reflection of the industry trend


Low minimum investment amount

  • Buy 1 lot of Hang Seng
    HK Biotech Index ETF
  • Buy 1 lot for each of
    the top 5 constituents
  • Buy 1 lot for
    all constituents
^Data is an estimation for reference only (based on the closing level of the underlying index, closing prices of its constituent stocks and their weightings on 15 July 2021)
Source: Bloomberg, as of 15 July 2021

Index Information

Index Name
Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index
Index Launch Date
16 December 2019
Index Base Date
31 December 2013
Base Point
No. of Constituents
54 (as of 15 July 2021)
Selection Criteria
Include Main Board listed securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, including those listed through Chapter 18A, that are classified as "Biotechnology", "Pharmaceuticals", and "Medical Devices" in the Hang Seng Industry Classification System ("HSICS").

Securities ranked within cumulative full market capitalization coverage of 95% in the universe will be selected as constituents.
Weighting Cap
10% cap on individual stocks
Index Review
Index constituents are reviewed every quarter and the effective dates of constituent changes will be the next trading day after the first Friday of June, September, December and March
Weighting Methodology
Freefloat-adjusted market cap weighting
Base Currency
Bloomberg Code
Refinitiv Code
Source: Hang Seng Indexes Co Ltd, Bloomberg, Refinitiv, as of 15 July 2021
Index Performance

Since the launch of the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index^, the index has achieved 84.1% performance, outperforming the broad-based Hang Seng Index's 83.0% performance in the same period.

ˆSource: Bloomberg, Hang Seng Indexes Co Ltd, as of 15 July 2021. "Since the launch of the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, the index has achieved 84.1% performance, outperforming the broad-based Hang Seng Index's 83.0% performance in the same period." is based on the index performance between 16 December 2019 and 15 July 2021. Data is for illustration purpose only and does not represent future return. The index cannot be invested directly. Index performance is expressed before any expenses and does not represent the performance of any ChinaAMC (HK) ETF.
Top 10 Constituents
Top 10
Stock Code
Stock Name
Weighting (%)
Wuxi Bio
Innovent Bio
JD Health
CSPC Pharma
Sino Biopharm
Ali Health
Wuxi Apptec
Genscript Bio
Weigao Group
Source: Hang Seng Indexes Co Ltd, as of 15 July 2021
Sector Allocation
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical Devices
Source: Wind, Hang Seng Indexes Co Ltd subsector classification, based on freefloat-adjusted market cap, as of 15 July 2021

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Investment in emerging market countries may involve heightened risks such as increased volatility and lower trading volume, and may be subject to a greater risk of loss than investment in a developed country. Please carefully consider the Fund's investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the relevant Fund's prospectus. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. ChinaAMC Funds are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by their index providers (only applicable to ETFs and index funds). For details of an index provider including any disclaimer, please refer to the relevant ChinaAMC Fund offering documents.

Source: Fund performance and index data are provided by ChinaAMC and the relevant index providers (if applicable) respectively. This website is prepared by China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

Hang Seng Index Disclaimer
The mark and name Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index are proprietary to Hang Seng Data Services Limited ("HSDS") which has licensed its compilation and publication to Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited ("HSIL"). HSIL and HSDS have agreed to the use of, and reference to Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index by China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited ("the Issuer") in connection with the ChinaAMC Hong Kong Biotech Index ETF, ChinaAMC Hang Seng TECH Index ETF and ChinaAMC Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index ETF (the "Product"). However, neither HSIL nor HSDS warrants, represents or guarantees to any person the accuracy or completeness of the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index, its computation or any information related thereto and no warranty, representation or guarantee of any kind whatsoever relating to the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index are given or may be implied. Neither HSIL nor HSDS accepts any responsibility or liability for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by any person as a result of or in connection with the use of and/or reference to the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index by the Issuer in connection with the Product, or any inaccuracies, omissions or errors of HSIL in computing the Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech Index, Hang Seng TECH Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong SmallCap Index. Any person dealing with the Product shall place no reliance whatsoever on HSIL and/or HSDS nor bring any claims or legal proceedings against HSIL and/or HSDS in any manner whatsoever. For the avoidance of doubt, this disclaimer does not create any contractual or quasi-contractual relationship between any broker or other person dealing with the Product and HSIL and/or HSDS and must not be construed to have created such relationship.

NASDAQ 100 Index Disclaimer
The Product(s) is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by NASDAQ, Inc. or its affiliates (NASDAQ, Inc. with its affiliates, is referred to as "NASDAQ"). NASDAQ has not passed on the legality or suitability of, or the accuracy or adequacy of descriptions and disclosures relating to, the Product. NASDAQ makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of shares of the Product or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Product particularly or the ability of the Index to track general stock market performance. NASDAQ's only relationship to the Product and China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited ("ChinaAMC") is in the licensing of certain trademarks and trade names of NASDAQ and of the Index which is determined, composed and calculated by NASDAQ without regard to ChinaAMC or the Product. NASDAQ QMX has no obligation to take the needs of ChinaAMC or its affiliates or the owners of shares of the Product into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Index. NASDAQ is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the prices and amount of shares of the Product, or the timing of the issuance or sale of such shares or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which shares of the Product are to be converted into cash. NASDAQ has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the Product.

NASDAQ does not guarantee the accuracy and/or uninterrupted calculation of the index or any data included therein. Nasdaq makes no warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by the trust on behalf of the product as licensee, licensee's customers and counterparties, owners of the shares of the product, or any other person or entity from the use of the subject index or any data included therein in connection with the rights licensed as described herein or for any other use. NASDAQ makes no express or implied warranties and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the index or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall NASDAQ have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

CSI Index Disclaimer
All rights in the CSI 300 Index ("Index") vest in China Securities Index Company ("CSI"). "CSI 300®" is a trade mark of CSI. CSI does not make any warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of any data related to the Index. CSI is not liable to any person for any error of the Index (whether due to negligence or otherwise), nor shall it be under any obligation to advise any person of any error therein. The Fund based on the Index is in no way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by CSI and CSI shall not have any liability with respect thereto.

Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Bond Index Disclaimer
BLOOMBERG® is a trademark and service mark of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively "Bloomberg"). Bloomberg or Bloomberg's licensors own all proprietary rights in the Bloomberg Indices. Bloomberg is not affiliated with China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited, and does not approve, endorse, review or recommend ChinaAMC Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Bond Index ETF. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness or completeness of any data or information relating to Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Index, and neither shall be liable in any way to the China Asset Management(Hong Kong) Limited, investors in ChinaAMC Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Bond Index ETF or other third parties in respect of the use or accuracy of the Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank Index or any data included therein.

MSCI Index Disclaimer
The funds or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such funds or securities or any index on which such funds or securities are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited and any related funds.